
Acupuncture involves the insertion of acupuncture needles into acupuncture points, which lie along channels, or meridians, of Qi (energy). Each session is customized specific to you and your needs. Sessions may include any of our modalities based on your request, and what is appropriate for you and your body at the time. For example, if you are coming in for Acupuncture, but would like to try C... Read More

Acupuncture involves the insertion of acupuncture needles into acupuncture points, which lie along channels, or meridians, of Qi (energy). Each session is customized specific to you and your needs. Sessions may include any of our modalities based on your request, and what is appropriate for you and your body at the time. For example, if you are coming in for Acupuncture, but would like to try Cupping, Gua Sha, Medical Qigong, Reiki, Intuitive Manual Release, or a Chinese Herbal Consultation, whether custom or premade, it is all inclusive.

The initial appointment lasts up to 90 minutes, includes an in depth intake and treatment with multiple sets of needles and any applicable modalities mentioned above, and is $275.

All follow up appointments last up to 60 minutes, include a treatment with multiple sets of needles and any applicable modalities mentioned above, and is $175.

These are our discounted rates for payment provided at the time of service. We bill insurance as a courtesy for our patients with out of network acupuncture coverage. We are happy to check your benefits, the process takes up 1-2 business days.

I’m passionate about Chinese Medicine and all that it can do to help people. The body knows what it needs to do, it just needs Chinese Medicine to remind it, and that’s where I come in.

I have a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Health and Science. I’m also a yoga instructor and a former dancer. My whole life has been dedicated to the body and the subtle energies that make us who we are. Practicing acupuncture gives me the opportunity to help others bring their bodies, minds, and energies back into harmony.

I love treating people for all sorts of ailments and complaints, including (but not limited to!) anxiety, depression, pain, menstrual issues, and digestive issues.

I’m passionate about Chinese Medicine and all that it can do to help people. The body knows what ... Read More

I am Edward P. Gousse, a seasoned Licensed Acupuncturist and Pain Management Specialist with extensive experience spanning over 13 years. Specializing in three styles of Acupuncture and two key forms of herbal strategy and formulation, I have effectively treated numerous patients grappling with chronic pain and enduring illnesses. Known for my exceptional customer service and personalized care, I ensure a safe and welcoming environment where open communication is prioritized. My dedication to providing top-quality care and making a positive impact on my patients’ lives underscores my commitment to excellence in the field of Acupuncture.

I specialize in treating debilitating and long standing pain in children and adults. I also love working with patients suffering from major depression and anxiety, scoliosis, asthma, and respiratory illnesses.

I am Edward P. Gousse, a seasoned Licensed Acupuncturist and Pain Management Specialist with exte... Read More

My specialties include healing migraines, acne and fertility issues using a blend of: Acupuncture Herbs, supplements, and diet – the “food as medicine” approach Mindfulness & Mindset to reduce the stress that can block healing from happening

I hold a doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine and certificates in dermatology and fertility. I have a Master’s degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine (MSTOM) at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. I’m nationally board certified (NCCAOM) in Traditional Oriental Medicine, acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine. I hold state licensures for acupuncture in California and New York.

My specialties include healing migraines, acne and fertility issues using a blend of: Acupuncture... Read More

My name is Eyal, and I’m a Chinese Medicine practitioner with over a decade of experience in pain and stress management, somatic trauma recovery, and Chi Gong.

I love helping people in a range of body-mind challenges, but not only; digestive problems, breathing difficulties, anxieties, sleep disorders and any other pain and health concerns. I also specialize in pediatrics and I love working with kids.

My name is Eyal, and I’m a Chinese Medicine practitioner with over a decade of experience in pain... Read More

I am skilled at treating pain of all sorts, whether acute or chronic, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, endometriosis, infertility, GYN issues, autoimmune disorders, and other complex chronic conditions. I also really like supporting pregnant patients through the pregnancy and postpartum.

I have a master’s degree in acupuncture from the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture, have studied Classical Acupuncture through the lineage of Dr. Jeffrey C. Yuen with Ann Cecil-Sterman and Evan Rabinowitz, and Chinese herbalism with Evan Rabinowitz and Andrew Ellis (whom I continue to study with in an ongoing basis). I enjoy helping my patients through whatever illness, disharmony or ailment brings them through my door, and love witnessing their incredible capacity for transformation throughout the process.

I am skilled at treating pain of all sorts, whether acute or chronic, anxiety, depression, digest... Read More

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